Fellowship of Isis

Fellowship of Isis
aset shemsu

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

reading list for brow chakra work

The Ancient Art of Color Therapy / Linda Clark . -- Pocket Books, c1975.

Basic Psychic Development / John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher. -- Weiser, c1998.

Creative Visualization / Shakti Gawain. -- Whatever Publishing, c1978.

Light : Medicine of the Future / Jacob Lieberman. -- Bear & Co., c1991.

Seeing With the Mind;s Eye / Samuels and Samuels. -- Random House, c1976.

The Psychic Healing Book / Amy Wallace and Bill Henkin. -- Wingbow Press, c1981.

The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes / . Ken Wilber. -- Shambhala, c182.

Crystals for the liturgy

from the "Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals," Cassandra Eason, Collins & Brown, c2003.

Brow or Third Eye Chakra:

color = indigo or purple

location = just above the bridge of the nose, in the center of the brow

areas of influence = eyes and ears, sinuses, left and right hemispheres of the brainb, and the central cavity of the brain. Communication with angels and devas. Spiritual healing aboilities, mediumship, and prophetic powers. The brow chakra connects us to our guides and our own higher knowledge.

imbalances = unexplained blurred vision, headaches and migraines, blocked sinuses, earache, insomnia, nightmares.

blue crystals = increase existing opportunities in business, career, finances, and improves leadership qualities. Blue aids long-distance travel and house-moves, and promotes success in both legal and official matters. The color of healers, blue is a natural antiseptic. It also relieves headaches and migraines, fevers, high blood pressure, eye strain, earache, and sore throats.


Blue howlite


Blue lace agate

blue quartz


Lapis lazuli






blue coral



blue chalcedony

rainbow opal


blue topaz

blue calcite

hawk's eye

blue goldstone

aqua aura




Purple = relates to the inner self, unconscious wisdom, increasing psychic powers, meaningful dreams, accurate divination, meditation, and past-life work and psychic protection. An all-healer, purple relieves allergies, asthma, sleep disorders, eye, ear, nose, and skin problems, and migraines. The color purple is a natural sedative.





Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Wheels of Light" by Rosalyn Bruyere

I have extracted some parts of this outstanding book that deal with the Third Eye / Sixth Chakra.

Here are some 6th Chakra correspondences:
color: purple
body: celestial
gland: pineal
animal: archetypes; all spirits, living and dead
element: radium
gemstone: alexandrite
contains: inspiration; insight
people: spirit teachers; spiritual friends

Rosalyn Bruyere calls the subtle body that corresponds to the 6th Chakra as "the celestial body," the one that holds our individual future and is also our access to that future (p.46)

The term "celestial" derives from antiquity where it was believed that the future existed in space and that one day each of us would die and become a "star," thus returning to the divine celestial light from which we had come. However, this would not occur until we had accumulated enough light [enlightenment] to illuminate a section of heaven. (Manly P. Hall, "Secret Teaching of All Ages.") The celestial body is that realm of light; and being associated with illumination, this body influences all that light enables us to "see." Put another way, the celesrial body allows us literally to "see the light." It is the realm of "sight" in all of its various manifestations: clairvoyance, visualization, insight, foresight, inspiration, psychic phenomena, and finally physical manifestation itself (from the thought, dream, fear, or other feeling to physical reality. (p.47)

The evolutionary cycle is reflected in metaphysical doctrine...[it] was known to the Native Americans and symboliozed by them in the chakra system...the lower chakras are aligned to animal forms. The first chakra is the snake, the second chakra is fish, the third chakra is bird or fowl, the fourth is mammal, and man resides in the fifth center. The sixth chakra takes man one step further into the collective and the spiritual, since...it is aligned with all spirits, living and dead...(p.53)

the sixth chakra is located between the brows. (p.69)

when a stimulus comes into the body it is registered in the first chakra [as] a change in [its] electromagnetic field...producing an energy flow...into the second...energy then continues to flow into the sixth chakra...From antiquity this center has been cloaked in "mystery." Nearly everyone would agree that there is nothing mysterious about physical sight: the eyes see. For some, psychic sight may seem mysterious, but it is not. The third eye also sees; it allows us several kinds of perceptions. It provides the means by which we perceive extrasensorily. It should also enable us to see "what is so," not just what is ours. We as a people tend to "see" or "take in" what is in our own energy flow, what is reflected from our own field, what is on our own path. We do not often see a complete picture but instead focus on individual rather than universal problems. As a result, we continue to "see through a glass darkly" [1 Cor. 13:12] The third eye allows us a clearer, more expansive vision. After entering the Third Eye, the energy flow touches the pituitary gland, reflects off the pineal gland, and mushrooms out through the top of the crown . This pattern holds if energy is allowed to flow up and out. However, if one chooses to do anything with the energy, the flow will reflect off the pineal and then hit the pituitary, after which it will continue its movement out through the third eye, where manifestation can occur. The ancient Egyptians symbolized this movement in their image of a cobra poised and ready to strike , head expanded. (p. 69-71)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Neptune, August 2008

Neptune in highlighted astrologically this summer, 2008.

Neptune is also a major force in the Liturgy, "Opening the Eye of Vision."

The liturgy is about perceptionor discernment of truth; Neptune is about truth and illusion.

Here follows great information from M. Kelley Hunter's newsletter kellhunter@earthlin k.net about Neptune. I hope this knowledge will help us prepare in the best possible way for the celebration of this liturgy on September 10:

"The remote blue planet with its bevy of exotic moons mythically reflects the delicately shapeshifting veils of illusion. Discovered in 1846, with an orbit of 165 years, Neptune's passage through the zodiac lasts beyond a single lifetime and creates 14-year astrological generations. Its atmospheric storms and winds are the wildest in the solar system. Four bands form a delicate ring system of ice crystals embedded in a magnetic field tilted off-center 50 degrees to the equator. The last I looked, though the count may have increased, Neptune has eight known moons: Triton, Nereid, Larissa, Proteus, Naiad, Galatea, Thalassa and Despina --such Neptunian names! Sounds like a computer game.

The question with Neptune involves our awareness that the world is as we dream it, as the shamans tell us. Shamanic wavelengths are opening, with Chiron, the Shaman, approaching Neptune and RIGHT ON the North Node of the Moon, also called the Dragon Head. The Nodes announce eclipses, defining where the path of the Moon crosses the path of the Sun from our viewpoint. The North Node is the cosmic challenge. We don't want to miss this door to new worlds, we catch the wave or being caught in the undertow and swept back to sea and have a tough time getting back, even if we can.

The high side of Neptune is mystical. Try to clear any blatant or subtle addictive-type patterns, including technology habits, so the spiritual frequencies are clearly welcomed. This is a potential tsunami in consciousness with swells coming in through 2009. "

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hy-Brazil is a mysterius island, an earthly paradise, which features in many Irish myths.

It was said to be cloaked in mist, except for one day each seven years, when it became visible but could still not be reached.

The names Brazil and Hy-Brazil are thought to come from the Irish Uí Breasail (meaning "descendants (i.e., clan) of Breasal"), one of the ancient clans of northeastern Ireland.


This name is also spelled as hy Brazil, Hy Breasil, Hy Breasail, Hy Breasal, Hy Brasil [cf. Old Irish Í, island; bres, beauty, worth; great, mighty]

Hy Brasil was once thought to lie at the same latitude as Ireland but far out to sea.

Although perhaps of Irish origin, the concept of Hy Brasil clearly owes much to the older European myth of the lost Atlantis. Some commentators speculate an Irish antecedent in Barc Bresail [Old Irish barc, boat-shaped structure found on land], a wooden fortress built in Leinster by Bresal the ‘High King of the World’ and destroyed by Tuathal Techtmar.

The island Hy Brasil appears, under many different names, on medieval maps, and was the subject of cartographer Angelinus Dalorto's thesis L'Isola Brazil (Genoa, 1325). Dalorto's spelling influenced the naming of the South American nation Brazil, although maps after Columbus's time still showed an island of approximately that name west of Ireland.

Regardless of its origin, Hy Brasil is often cited in Irish tradition, sometimes being associated with the Aran Islands. The Tuatha Dé Danann were thought to have fled there after their defeat by the Milesians. In The Celtic Twilight (1893), W. B. Yeats reports speaking to fishermen who claimed to have sailed out as far as ‘Hy Brazil’; they describe an island without labour, care, or cynical laughter where one can enjoy the conversation of Cúchulainn and his heroes.

See T. J. Westropp, ‘Brasil and the Legendary Islands of the North Atlantic’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 30 (1912), 223–60; William Larminie's poem ‘The Finding of Hy Brasil’, in Glanus (London, 1889), 72; Eamon de Buitléar's film Hy Brasil (1972) suggests identification with the Azores.

The legend states that the people of Hy Brasil became so pure of heart that the island became invisible and can only be seen by those who are free from all worldly desires.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Myth Creates the Reality

this is insight Joan received in a recent journey:

"“There are two ways of working with spiritual information. The way you know well is how to feel energy that is present, and to create a story to let that energy bubble up to consciousness. By naming the energy, you process it.

“The other way, a more profound way, is to live the myth to create the reality. Create the story, live the energy of the story, and that creates the reality in the physical world.... It is the step you have feared to take: to become the myth and create the reality. It means to not be content simply with what your individual consciousness can comprehend, and what it seeks for its own purposes. Instead, you will embody the Dream that the Dreamer (the Creator) is dreaming. This is a much more powerful way of working with the spirit realm. It is the step you are being called to take.”

it is somewhat disconcerting to take on a whole new consciousness, one that is not one's individual consciousness, and yet is something one is part of. It is an amazing, wonderful reality to support and participate in.

the goddess Athena has many correspondences with Brigid, the main deity to whom the Eye of Vision is dedicated. She appeared at the end of this meditation. Brigid / Athena is very comfortable with this energy, as goddesses of the Upperworld, who create the “blueprints” for what transpires in the material realm.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

theme threads in 3 liturgies

To view the progression of the themes of last three Goddess Festival liturgies, in order to see the threads connecting these annual experiences, visit the blogs associated with them:.

2006 - The Descent of the White Eagle: http://descentofthewhiteeagle.blogspot.com
2007 - The Creation of Life Forms: http://creationoflifeforms.blogspot.com

2008 - Now we come to 2008's liturgy, "Eye of Vision".

The Oracle at the beginning talks about three kinds of Vision The Eye of Vision, Light and Truth. Brigid appears to an old woman, Mary, telling her that the Goddess is coming again. Mary becomes a poet of the Goddess. There are accounts of several visions people have had of the Goddess appearing to them.

So far, the people participating in this liturgy have encountered a lot of chaos. Very basic things like settling on a place to hold the Festival have been difficult to coordinate: there seem to always be unexpected, unforeseen things coming up that change the plan and make the going difficult.

I am realizing that "Eye of Vision" is saying that the new world, the world of the Goddess/Divine Feminine, is here now. The old world which was destroyed (see "White Eagle") went to regenerate in the womb of Night/Nuit/Naut (see"Life Forms") Now in "Eye of Vision" we are having our first visions of the new world of the Goddess.

The visionary journey in "Eye of Vision", exemplified by the learning of the Candidate, is that there is no need to lament loss, because all that is good is really eternal; that we create our own future; and that Truth is the only real basis from which to create anything. This shows us how we can create a greater internal realization and external manifestation of the new Goddess world.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The "Eye of Vision" is in one way about FOCUS, as well as perception.the overlapping circles of the vesica piscis could easily be mistaken for one out-of-focus circle, i.e. double vision. It is a very simple and spare ritual, reflecting the simplicity in the small shift of perception which can result in an entirely new perception of the universe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Hanged Man divination

In "Opening the Eye of Vision", The Enchantress with the Eye of Truth stands at the Well at the World's End:

from the Oracle in the liturgy:

A further Initiation leads you at last to reach the Well of Truth, which is both its matrix and its source. Here you meet Me as an ancient woman, hooded in a black cloak. Many dread Me in this form, for I am Death. But as I throw back my hood you see no skull, but rather the Enchantress Who has guided you through many incarnations! You gaze at the still water of the Well and you understand the meaning of all suffering and evil; love and joy. And in this understanding you awaken the Eye of Truth within you. I smile and I embrace you and I hand you my cloak.

From Wikipedia

The Hanged Man is a card of profound but veiled significance. Its symbolism points to divinity, linking it to the Passion of Christ in Christianity, especially The Crucifixion; to the narratives of Osiris (Egyptian mythology) and Mithras (Roman mythology). In all of these archetypal stories, the destruction of self brings life to humanity; on the card, these are symbolized respectively by the person of the hanged man and the living tree from which he hangs bound. Its relationship to the other cards usually involves the sacrifice that makes sacred; personal loss for a greater good or a greater gain.

Serenely dangling upside-down, the Hanged Man has let go of worldly attachments. He has sacrificed a desire for control over his circumstances in order to gain an understanding of, and communion with, creative energies far greater than his individual self. In letting go, the hero gains a profound perspective accessible only to someone free from everyday conceptual, dualistic reality.

The Hanged Man is often associated with Odin, the primary god of the Norse Pantheon. Odin hung upside down from the world-tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days to attain wisdom and thereby retrieved The Runes from the Well of Wyrd, which the Norse cosmology regarded as the source and end of all Mystery and all knowledge. The moment he glimpsed the runes, he died, but the knowledge of them was so powerful that he immediately returned to life. This interpretation highlights the necessity of undertaking acts of personal sacrifice in order to achieve one's own higher spiritual good.

[Note from Joan: another part of the legend says that Odin gave his physical eye to the Norn Urda so he would be able to see the future.]

Another meaning resides in the journey of life. Certain aspects of life — for example sex — are viewed one way by children and a different way by adults. The Hanged Man is the initiate into mysteries. He understands the Truth because he sees it from a different angle.

The most common interpretation of the card is of an outcast of society that appears to be a fool but is in actuality completely in alignment and integrated. The inversion of The Hanged Man furnishes an advantage opaque and impenetrable to others

From Wikipedia

The eddic poem explains that their originator was the god Odin, and Stanzas 138, 139 describe how Odin received the rune through his self-sacrifice. The text (in Old Norse and in English translation) is as follows:

Veit ec at ec hecc vindga meiði anetr allar nío,geiri vndaþr oc gefinn Oðni,sialfr sialfom mer,a þeim meiþi, er mangi veit, hvers hann af rótom renn.
Við hleifi mic seldo ne viþ hornigi,nysta ec niþr,nam ec vp rvnar,opandi nam,fell ec aptr þaðan.

I know that I hung on a windy tree nights all nine,wounded with a spear and given to Odin,myself to myself,on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run
No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn,downwards I peered,I took up the runes,screaming I took them,then I fell back from there

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Eye of Vision, Light & Truth

I am always amazed at Lady Olivia's liturgies! They are truly phenomenal. When we really read them, they are incredibly rich and layered in meaning.

I started mining the gold from this year's liturgy "Opening the Eye of Vision." The first thing that strikes me (in the Oracle section of the liturgy) is that Lady Olivia talks about not one but three kinds of Eyes to open. They correspond to the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone). In this text, they are the Bride, the Queen and the Enchantress.

The Bride has the Eye of Vision. This is to see "the Truth that lies behind appearances". Among other things, it means to search for the inner meaning behind the phenomenal world. It also means to be aware of the energies that in operation from past experiences.

When we get to the Visonary Journey section, where the Candidate (and all participants) are led to different places in space to have visions, the first stop is Hy Brasil, in which the participants are instructed to use their Eye of Vision - in other words, work with the energy of the Bride. The Candidate says s/he sees there is no "need to lament loss, because all that is wonderful, beautiful and noble is eternal".

So the Eye of Vision helps us understand the hidden meanings of energies that come from the past.

Next, there is the Queen, who has the Eye of Light. As the Oracle says, this Eye helps us "transform your own future, and in so doing, to change the world!" It means the capacity we have to not be bound by the past, but to be able to envision the future we want, and through this visioning to bring it to pass.

In the Visionary Journey section, the participants travel to Tir Na nOg, the Heaven of the Futre to open the Eye of Light. Here, the Candidate says, "I see...I create my own future."

Last, there is the Enchantress (Crone/Wise Woman) who has the Eye of Truth, and has "guided you through many incarnations." The Eye of Truth allows us to "understand the meaning of all suffering and evil; love and joy." This Eye gives us the bigger picture, a perspective that transcends concerns about either the past or the future events and brings us to what Buddhists call the "Middle Way" or the essence rather than the phenomena of life.

Int he Visionary Section, the participants travel to the Well at the World's End to open the Eye of Truth. The Candidate explains that s/he found "that without Truth, nothing exists....Love, Beauty, Happiness - all must be honest or they have no value."

Even contemplating these few points from the liturgy, I'm feeling my energy shift and awakening a higher vibratory level.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


sometimes enlightenment comes through being seen, rather than through the act of seeing.

According to an article in Wikipedia, Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word in the Hindu spiritual tradition that refers to a spiritual teacher conferring a form of spiritual awakening by transmission of a sacred word or mantra, a look, a thought, or by touch. The touch is usually given to the ajna chakra or third eye of the disciple. Shaktipat can be transmitted in person or at a distance, through an object such as a flower or fruit, or via telephone or letter.

The book Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennan, describes shaktipat as the actual projection of the guru's "aura" on the disciple, whereby the disciple acquires the same mental state of the guru, hence the importance of the high spiritual level of the guru. The physiological phenomena of a rising kundalini then naturally manifests.

Related reading:
Kundalini, Evolution, and Enlightenment by John White, editor, (ISBN 1-55778-303-9).
A Deeper Surrender, by Stuart Perrin (ISBN 1-571742-17-4)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have been having many encounters with Brigid, and with the Third Eye, especially in the last year.

Here is a shamanic healing journey I did for my friend Eli, which had to do with the Third Eye. Eli gave me permission to post this journey.

Client Journey 1/22/08d

For Elisheva Hererra, distance healing.

Raven Goddess appeared to me through dancing. Then I lay down on the floor. I journeyed to Eli in spirit with Raven Goddess and Raven. Raven Goddess wrapped her black wings around Eli. Raven brings initiation.

Raven took out Eli’s eyes, and Raven and Raven Goddess took Eli’s eyes all around the world, as though tracing all the latitude and longitude lines. Next, they did the same with Eli’s Third Eye. This seemed to be some kind of deep awakening of sight, insight and higher perspective. Then we returned Eli’s regular eyes and Third Eye to her.

I returned to ordinary reality, thanking the spirits and the Mystic Law.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Udjat Eye

The word "Udjat" means "whole; or, restored."

here is a link to a House of Netjer article about the Udjat: http://www.kemet.org/ntjr/udjat2.html

here is an informative article about the Sacred Eyes: http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefseyeofhorus.htm

Recommended reading

prepare for the liturgy by reading "Awakening the Third Eye" by Samual Sagan. -- Clairvision, c1997. "Designed as a manual, this book describes a systematic process to open the third eye."

Download the book for free at this link: http://www.clairvision.org/ckb/ckbe/ckbl/fol_0000_0001/cat_0000_0001/SaganATE.pdf


here are some articles about the protective Uraeus worn by the Pharaoh:




the Book of Coming Forth By Day includes an invocation to the Uraeus. Here follows an excellent discussion of that particular Negative Confession, Declaration of Innocence, or Purification from the web site of the House of Netjer. Click here to see the original web page http://daily.kemet.org/2001_04_01_archive.html Many thanks to Her Holiness Nisut Hekatawy I (ankh udja seneb) for this body of work:

"Hail Fiery One, coming forth backwards, I do not speak lies.

The eighth of the purifications invokes the cobra-serpent called uraeus by most scholars: the Eye of Ra, form of Wadjet, Sekhmet, Bast, Tefnut and/or Het-hert seated upon the brow of a Nisut's crown or the crowns of certain gods and goddesses.

One of the Fiery One's main tasks, and in fact the one from which She gains this nickname, is to spit fire (or caustic venom) upon those who would harm the ones She is installed to protect: Ra, fellow divinities such as Heru, Aset, Het-hert and Wesir, the Nisut in the form of the kingly ka, or the Two Lands themselves. Her protection against harm is not limited to physical violence and often actually is not put toward such ends, for which Her wearers have many other guards and heka at their disposal.

Here, the Cobra-as-Eye of Ra is empowered to act as Ma'at, and thus lend the ability to "see through" lying to the one Who wears Her. The phrase "going forth backwards," rather than supplying a specific geographical locality, suggests this particular uraeus is not a "local god," but the one sitting on the crown of Wesir, whose chamber lies just to the West of the purification proceedings in the Pert em Hru. To "go backwards" in Kemetic also means "to go to the right" or "to go east (against the track of the sun)." So one is now made aware that his or her truth in these invocations is being checked against the Ultimate Authority: Wesir and His all-seeing Eye of Ra."

Vesica Piscis: Bringing Forth the Cobra from the Third Eye

The Cobra who sits at the king's brow chakra and spits venom or fire at his enemies is the Uraeus.

Here follow some comments and onservations from Joan Forest Mage:

"The Pharaohs had the cobra coming out of the 3rd eye spitting venom to clear their path! I don't mean "venom" in the sense of having to be angry and pushy to get our way, but just that we have the positive and innate power to accomplish what we want, without exhausting our energy.

I have been working since 2001 with Frog, after a vision in which Frog said, "If all humans really loved and protected a part of Nature, the environmental problems would be solved immediately. " Since then I have known that some day I will create ritual art to bring this about.

Synchronistically, starting in 2004, I worked with my PhD advisor, Bethe Hagens, in research ing how the ancient Venus Neolithic sculptures are acutally models of different animal brains, including Frog. The brain is rhomboid in shape, which is similar to the Vesica Piscis, which is fomed by the intersection of two circles. Thus, the Vesica Piscis is the symbol of the yoni (vaginal opening) as well as of the brain.

The brain (crown chakra) and the yoni (root chakra) are both creative openings in the body. Both are in the shape of the vesica piscis!

When the kundalini energy rises from the root vesica piscis to the crown vesica piscis and comes out the 3rd eye, you have the Uchat eye of protection.

Eyes are the shape of the vesica piscis. And, I realized today that the 3rd eye is the intersection of the right and left physical eyes - in other words, the 3rd eye is a vesica piscis!
The root and crown vesica pisci are parallel to the earth, while the 3rd eye vesica piscis is perpendicular to the earth. This seems to me to have great significance, though I don't fully understand yet.

Bethe and I talked about how the two circles intersecting and creating the vesica piscis can also symbolize the Triple Goddess.

So my point is: imagine energy rising all the way from your root creative opening towards your crown creative opening, going out the 3rd eye creative opening. I have found this to be amazingly grounding and powerful to accomplish work in the world!"

St. Lucia

Joan asked the following question:

"I was in an optometrists office and he had a painting of a woman holding a plate with eyes on it. It looked like a saint. Who is this a picture of?"

You are describing St. Lucy.

here is a link with factual; info about her: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09414a.htm

One legend says she was martyred by having her eyes torn out.


She is the patron saint of eye doctors and blind people. . People pray to her to protect their eyesight.


Her feast day is December 13, and people in the northern countries celebrate Santa Lucia day.


One of the customs is for a Star Boy and a Lucia Girl to wake the family at sunrise with fresh coffee and Lucia Kattor. The Lucia Kattor are saffron buns in the shape of an S with tightly coiled spirals. The single kattor have one pair of spirals and are S-shaped; the double kattor are formed of 2 singles laid across each other to form an X-shaped bun.


There is an s-shaped rune called "sowilo" that looks something like the single kattor;


and the swastika is a solar symbol that resembles the double kattor.


Kattor is a Scandinavian word for "cat." Why a cat? one reason might be the way their eyes glow in the dark.

Each spiral of the Lucia Kattor has a currant stuck into its center. The single Lucia Kattor bun resembles a pair of spectacles or eyeballs. Voila...Lucia's eyes are restored! what a perfect way to celebrate the Return of the Light at Winter Solstice. The fragrant saffron gives the buns a lovely solar color.

Santa Lucia's legend originated in Sicily, which happened to be one of the centers of Persephone worship. In some accounts, her abduction was said to have occurred there.


The fateful Sicilian volcano was the entrance to the underworld. Persephone and Lucia seem to have a connection. The honoring of Lucia traveled to Scandinavia where the Return of the Light at Solstice may have more tangible significane than it does in more southern countries. When I began to research St. Brigid, I discovered that she seems to have much in common with St. Lucia.

scroll down to see the reading list for St. Brigid and the Goddess Brigid. I will later add material about St. Lucy and the Uraeus and the Utchat...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is a term in the liturgy. It refers to the goddess as expressed through the Ajna chakra, whose energy is a merging of the energy of Shiva and Shakti, male and female.

more here:

you can perform the Hakini mudra; it will help with concentration and memory:


This term is used in the liturgy.

"Ajna" is the name of the chakra located at the eyebrow region. The word "ajna" means "to command; to perceive." In other words, to be responsive to inner promptings. The Ajna chakra has two petals, representing the subtle energy channels, Ida and Pingala. Ida is the feminine, lunar channel on the left; and Pingala is the masculaine, solar channel on the right; they cross at the Ajna chakra along with the central Shushumna channel. Ajna is considered the chakra of the mind. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna. It is also realted to the conscience.

some background on the Ajna chakra is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajna

imagery and correspondences relating to the Ajna chakra are here: http://www.kheper.net/topics/chakras/Ajna.htm

another interesting backgrouond article: http://www.tantra-kundalini.com/ajna.htm

a wonderful article by Anodea Judith about the Ajna chakra: http://www.llewellynencyclopedia.com/article/257

an interesting personal account about the Ajna chakra: http://www.beezone.com/AjnaChakra/Intro.html

some exercises for activating the Ajna chakra: http://www.anmolmehta.com/blog/2007/05/03/ajna-chakra-meditation-technique-3rd-eye-free-guided-meditation-book-for-daily-practice/

Related reading

synchronously with workinng on this liturgy, I read the novel "Crescent" by Diana Abu-Jaber. The Eye Goddess, to whom Aaron referred, hovers over this story set in Los Angeles and Iraq as an unidentified presence. One of the characters is a photographer, who captures images without permission. Themes include the feeling of being watched, the art and science of surveillance, and the eveil eye. I loved this profoundly moving book.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

the Liturgy

click on one of these links to download a copy of "Opening the Eye of Vision" for your own use.

original PDF version: http://www.fellowshipofisis.com/liturgy/mel10_orig.pdf

original HTML version: http://www.fellowshipofisis.com/liturgy/mel10_orig.html

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a Brigid Reading List

Bitel, Lisa M.: "St. Brigit of Ireland: From Virgin Saint to Fertility Goddess"

Wikipedia: "Brigid of Kildare"

Susa Morgan Black, FSA, ScotDruid, OBOD : "Brigit"

St. Brigid ( 452 - 524 A.D. )

Brigit's Sparkling Flame

The Celtic Year: Imbolc, the Feast of Bride

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

my covenspace blog

i forgot i had created a covenspace page at http://mekhatsenyt.covenspace.com/

for the sake of convenience, I am stealing from myself and including a copy here of what I wrote there...

"the goddess to whom the rite "Opening the Eye of Vision" is dedicated is Brigid.

As i begin my long-term communion with Brigid, I began to realize St. Brigid has similarities and correspondences with St. Lucia as regards legends involving her eyes and also a crown of fire.
I am also not sure of the extent to which the goddess Bride / Brigid and St. Brigid overlap. It is going to be an interesting journey!

ideas for workshops at the Goddess Festival are beginning to present themselves. we have abundant wheat stalks left over from last year's celebration of the rite "Creation Of Life forms." What better use for them than a wheat-weaving workshop making St. Brigid's crosses! Some say that the eye of god is at the center of the St. Brigid cross. Perhaps therre can be another workshop for making the Ojo De Dios.

There will also be a workshop on using yoga and spiritual exercises to activate the Thrd Eye.

planets of truth and coverups

Neptune is going retrograde, read all a bout it at Eileen Nauman's wonderful blog: http://talesfromechocanyon.blogspot.com/2008/04/astrology-neptune-retrograde-may-26.html

she says...."Neptune is ever the uncover-er of lies, fraud and deception." This retrograde is a synchronous event, connected with our initiatory journey into the Eye of Vision...which may turn out to be be similar to going into the eye of the storm!

getting started

Hi all,

let's record out thoughts about this year's main Goddess Fest liturgy, Opening the Eye of Vision.