Fellowship of Isis

Fellowship of Isis
aset shemsu

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This term is used in the liturgy.

"Ajna" is the name of the chakra located at the eyebrow region. The word "ajna" means "to command; to perceive." In other words, to be responsive to inner promptings. The Ajna chakra has two petals, representing the subtle energy channels, Ida and Pingala. Ida is the feminine, lunar channel on the left; and Pingala is the masculaine, solar channel on the right; they cross at the Ajna chakra along with the central Shushumna channel. Ajna is considered the chakra of the mind. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna. It is also realted to the conscience.

some background on the Ajna chakra is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajna

imagery and correspondences relating to the Ajna chakra are here: http://www.kheper.net/topics/chakras/Ajna.htm

another interesting backgrouond article: http://www.tantra-kundalini.com/ajna.htm

a wonderful article by Anodea Judith about the Ajna chakra: http://www.llewellynencyclopedia.com/article/257

an interesting personal account about the Ajna chakra: http://www.beezone.com/AjnaChakra/Intro.html

some exercises for activating the Ajna chakra: http://www.anmolmehta.com/blog/2007/05/03/ajna-chakra-meditation-technique-3rd-eye-free-guided-meditation-book-for-daily-practice/

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