Fellowship of Isis

Fellowship of Isis
aset shemsu

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have been having many encounters with Brigid, and with the Third Eye, especially in the last year.

Here is a shamanic healing journey I did for my friend Eli, which had to do with the Third Eye. Eli gave me permission to post this journey.

Client Journey 1/22/08d

For Elisheva Hererra, distance healing.

Raven Goddess appeared to me through dancing. Then I lay down on the floor. I journeyed to Eli in spirit with Raven Goddess and Raven. Raven Goddess wrapped her black wings around Eli. Raven brings initiation.

Raven took out Eli’s eyes, and Raven and Raven Goddess took Eli’s eyes all around the world, as though tracing all the latitude and longitude lines. Next, they did the same with Eli’s Third Eye. This seemed to be some kind of deep awakening of sight, insight and higher perspective. Then we returned Eli’s regular eyes and Third Eye to her.

I returned to ordinary reality, thanking the spirits and the Mystic Law.

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